2023-2024 Children's Station Registration

Sundays 9am-10am | Registration for West Union Children's Station on Sunday mornings during the 9am worship.
Information About The Program

Children's Station starts at 9am on Sundays. Kids join their caregivers in worship before a quick chat with Pastor Adam. Next, they engage in a 20-minute scripture activity. They return for music and communion, open to all ages.

September 17 - Rally Day! Outdoor Band and Special Kid entertainment after worship! (no children's station)

September 24—Children's Station begins!! Great for inviting friends.

One form works for multiple students.

Thanks for considering Children's Station at West Union Lutheran Church! Our goal is to make worship and learning about Jesus enjoyable for kids through scripture reading and interactive activities. Fill out this form to enroll your child.
Parent / Caregiver Information

Children(s) Information

Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.


Sundays 9am-10am
Registration for West Union Children's Station on Sunday mornings during the 9am worship.